GGSC-CN Index Report (Apr 2020)InApril2022, affectedby short-term factors such as the spread of theCOVID-19in many places and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the logistics and employment of the manufacturing industryhas been affected seriously, the price of materials continues to rise,
GGSC-CN Index Report (Mar 2020)In March 2022, affected by short-term factors such as the spread of theCOVID-19in many places and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the pressure of China's economic supply shock, rising costs, shrinking demand and weakening expectations increased, and the overall econo...
GGSC-CN Index Report (Feb 2020)InFebruary2022,with the end of the Spring Festival, allworkershave resumed work and production one after another, driving the release of relevant market demand.China's PMI index registered 52.9%, anincrease of 0.1percentage points from the previous